I visited TTG Rimini in October 2021 and although masks and Covid passports were still being used, it was the return to an almost normal event: full corridors, exhibitors from (almost) all over the world, people seated doing business, and lots of great content in different conference rooms. TTG Rimini is definitely the best marketplace in Italy to promote tourism and hospitality worldwide.
Find here my summary of TTG Rimini 2021.
Here you can read my interview with Nicola de Pizzo, Exhibition Manager of TTG.
Check #GraupixRimini for more details and comments on my social media.
A world without constraints is the theme of the 2022 editions of TTG Travel Experience, SIA Hospitality Design and SUN Beach & Outdoor Style, the events of Italian Exhibition Group ‘s tourism marketplace at Rimini Expo Centre from next 12 to 14 October.
These are the conferences and events you will find in TTG Travel Experience:
Think Future Program
No borders between countries, beyond the distinction between inbound and outbound markets. The construction of the tourist product is enriched with new elements, the result is not captured in the usual patterns.
And all this will be part of Think Future, the space for strategies, debates, seminars and meetings to design the future of tourism and hospitality.
A great place for inspirational content, internationally-renowned speakers, panel discussions with experts and companies, case histories, debates between operators: over 200 events with 250 speakers, divided into 7 arenas during the three days of the event.
– The Digital in all its forms
Metaverso, NFT (Not Fungible Token), Fintech, space economy are the best known forms that digital takes place in everyday life, whether real or just imagined. Important themes that in the TTG panels will be deeply analyzed by directors of leading university research centers.
– Frontier themes, practiced skills
CNR will preview at TTG Travel Experience a study on the trends of «Tourism 4.0», that is about the evolution of hospitality services thanks to the enabling technologies such as IoT, Big Data and cloud computing for which specific PNRR funds are foreseen for 2.4 Bn. The CNR study will be structured in a series of contributions from the academic and business world of Italy and the Mediterranean area.
– Space tourism to not stay on the ground
Getting on a shuttle, reaching an altitude of 400 km from Earth and spending a few orbits in a hotel suite in space, for now remains a dream for billionaires, too, who have already made some flights over the stratosphere aboard Jeff Bezos’ carriers, or Elon Musk, or with Richard Branson’s spacecraft. But where is space tourism really and what is the competitive advantage that the space economy has over tourism? The answer will be given at TTG 2022 by astrophysicist Simonetta Di Pippo, the first female director of human flight programs of the European Space Agency, professor of Space Economy at the SDA Bocconi School of Management where she is Director of the Space Economy Evolution Lab, member of the International Academy of Astronautics.
– Greenwashing? No thank you
Eco-sustainability and circular economy: tourism must transform itself to reduce its impact on the environment and the community, but it must be able to communicate the sustainable change to its shareholders and stakeholders in a transparent way and enhance the human and intellectual capital of the communities where the companies operate, because «Greenwashing» is punished by consumer choices. Federica Burini, professor of Geography at the University of Bergamo where she is president of the Master’s Degree Course in Planning and Management of Tourism Systems; Rossella Sobrero, professor of social and institutional communication at the University of Milan and unconventional marketing at the Catholic University of Milan; and by Lucia Varra, associate professor of Business Organization at the Department of Economics and Business Sciences at the University of Florence.
If you are a potential visitor you should attend these events to gain updates, get to know people and get yourself known, to refine and complement your professional skills, to find out the trends and update your strategies, to meet the industry’s key players, to network, to find new ideas and solutions, to enter the digital world of innovation, to get to know innovative companies, etc.
I will not miss TTG Rimini 2022, more information about the events we can find there in this link